
To find out how to buy our products, please contact one of our distributors.


Amara Net Zero Greece Single Member S.A.

Amara NZero is a leading sustainable energy solutions company specialising in decarbonisation, electrification and energy efficiency, with an international presence.


Amara Net Zero Bulgaria

Amara NZero is a leading sustainable energy solutions company specialising in decarbonisation, electrification and energy efficiency, with an international presence.

AmonRa Energy

AmonRa Energy is a Bulgarian company founded in 2020, specialising in solar energy solutions. It offers a wide range of products, including solar panels, inverters and mounting structures for photovoltaic systems.

Cerb Solar LTD

CERB Solar is a Bulgarian company specialising in the design, supply and construction of photovoltaic plants.


Amara Net Zero Romania

Amara NZero is a leading sustainable energy solutions company specialising in decarbonisation, electrification and energy efficiency, with an international presence.

SC Carpat Green-Tech

Carpat Energy is a Romanian company, established in 2007 in Cluj-Napoca, specialised in the distribution and installation of on-grid, off-grid, hybrid and industrial photovoltaic systems.